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1xbet 카지노상을 수상자

Meg Plucinski,D & M Family Farm

2021 : Rising Star

Meg Plucinski Headshot

Meg Plucinski와 그녀의 남편 Derek은 대부분의 삶에서 유제품 농업이었습니다. 그들은 함께 위스콘신에있는 341 에이커의 유제품 농장 인 D & M Family Farm을 운영하며, 동물은 잘 관리 된 수상 경력에 빛나는 목초지에서 집중적으로 방목합니다.

Meg는 2018 년 10 월에 1xbet 카지노 무역 협회에 처음 연락하여 무역 협회와 새로 형성된 1xbet 카지노 유제품 협의회가 농민들을 돕기 위해 무엇을하는지에 대한 이해를 높였습니다. 그녀는 다른 소규모 농민들이 실제로 무역 협회가 실제로 소규모 인증 생산자들에게 적합한 지 의문을 제기했습니다.


Farmers Advisory Council


Just a few months after joining the trade association, she was headed in a minivan with a babysitter and her 9-month old son to D.C. for her first trip to the East Coast to join other FAC Members on Capitol Hill to advocate for organic. She met with lawmakers, including Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin, to outline the trade association’s policy agenda while sharing her struggles and joys of being a small-scale organic dairy farmer.


Her story was spot-on for showing the challenges faced by young couples who want to farm organically, and obtain the land to do so. She and her husband currently are purchasing their farm in a transition agreement with the present owner--a fine example and inspiration for other organic farmers who are trying to set up their own farm but are struggling with conventional loans and purchase agreements.
