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"((?(((((J#J#?(((?#((((?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((((((((((V b ?: (TRANSLATION)LETTER OF COMMITMENTIn connection to the following subscription warrants (the ?Subscription Warrants?) of the [Initial Listing Applicant] (the ?Issuer?) subscribed for by _____________________ (the ?Allottee?), Allottee and Issuer hereby agree, pursuant to the ?Securities Listing Regulations? and ?Enforcement Rules for Securities Listing Regulations? prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. ( ?TSE?), as follows:Date of allotment from Issuer to Allottee[month] [date], [year]Subscribed Number of Subscription Warrants____ subscription warrantsThe ?Subscription Warrants? shall include for purposes herein such shares or subscription warrants as are acquired by the Allottee through its exercise of the Subscription Warrants, and shall also include such shares or subscription warrants as are acquired by the Allottee through share splits, allotment of additional shares or subscription warrants without consideration, or share conversions into a different class of shares or subscription warrants as are acquired by the exercise of the Subscription Warrants.Article 1 1. The Allottee shall not transfer any of the Subscription Warrants to any person during the period from the allotment date of the Subscription Warrants to, and including, the latter of (i) the ending date of a six (6) month period immediately following the listing of the shares of the Issuer or (ii) the ending date of a one year period immediately following the allotment date of the Subscription Warrants; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply in the event (a) any of the following circumstances occurs, and (b) the Allottee submits to the Issuer in advance a written statement of its intent to transfer all or any part of the Subscription Warrants because of such circumstances: (1) in the case where the financial conditions of the Allottee have significantly deteriorated; or (2) in the case where the transfer of all or any part of the Subscription Warrants is considered unavoidable from a commonly accepted idea.Article 21. Whenever the Allottee transfers all or any part of the Subscription Warrants to any person, the Allottee shall immediately make a report to the Issuer, with respect to the relevant information including, but not limited to, the name(s) and address(es) of the transferee(s), number of the transferred shares, transfer date, transfer price, method(s) of transfer and reason(s) for transfer.2. When the Issuer makes an inquiry to the Allottee about the conditions of ownership of the Subscription Warrants following an inquiry made by TSE to the Issuer about the conditions of ownership of the Subscription Warrants, the Allottee shall immediately make a report to the Issuer on the details thereon.3. In the event that the Allottee transfers all or any part of the Subscription Warrants to any person, the Issuer shall make a written report to TSE on the details of the transfer. Such report(s) must be made either (i) at the time of application for listing of the shares of the Issuer, in the case where the Subscription Warrants are transferred by the Allottee prior to the application for the listing of the shares of the Issuer, or (ii) immediately after the transfer of the Subscription Warrants by the Allottee, in the case where such transfer occurs during the period from the application date for the listing of the shares of the Issuer to the latter of (a) the ending date of a six (6) month period immediately following the listing of the shares of the Issuer or (b) the ending date of a one year period immediately following the allotment date of the Subscription Warrants. In these cases, when the Issuer is inquired by TSE about the conditions of ownership of the Subscription Warrants, the Issuer shall submit a document about such conditions of ownership to TSE without delay. 4. The Allottee agrees that the Issuer shall make a report on the transfer of the Subscription Warrants or the conditions of ownership of the Subscription Warrants to TSE, and both the Allottee and the Issuer hereby consent to such report being made available by TSE to the public.Article 31. In the event that the Issuer changes its plan for listing its shares on TSE, as a result of which the allotment date of the Subscription Warrants falls earlier than one year prior to the last day of the base business year of the application date for the listing, the Issuer shall give a written notice to that effect to the Allottee.2. The provisions of the preceding two Articles shall become null and void when the Allottee receives the notice set forth in Paragraph 1 above.Article 41. When the Issuer makes an application for listing of its shares on TSE, a copy or summary of this Letter of Commitment shall be attached to the documents of the application for listing.2. Both the Allottee and the Issuer agree that TSE shall make such copy or summary of this Letter of Commitment available to the public.Article 5 Notwithstanding the date of execution of this Letter of Commitment, this Letter of Commitment will take effect from the allotment date of the Subscription Warrants.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, one (1) original of this Letter of Commitment has been prepared and duly executed by both the Allottee and the Issuer with their respective name and seal impressions, and the Issuer shall retain the original while the Allottee shall retain a copy thereof.[month] [date], [year]Allottee: [Address] [Name] (seal)Issuer: [Address] [Name] (seal)(Offered Subscription Warrants) (Format)Nov. 2024$%2Z`u{???    * 5 6 : ; < p q r t | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 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