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The growers told members of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture and Research that to continue to flourish, the organic sector must continue to improve and be allowed to evolve. They called on the federal government to shepherd a strong organic program with consistent regulations, adequate safety net programs, help for farmers transitioning to organic, protection from organic fraud and research dollars dedicated to organic.
The hearing, titled “Reviewing the State of Organic Agriculture: Producer Perspectives,” was designed to provide an opportunity for lawmakers to hear directly from farmers on the challenges and opportunities in organic.
패널에는 Grimmway Farms/Cal-Organic 채소 농장의 회장 인 Jeff Huckaby와 Oregon의 1xbet 한국농 유제품 농부 인 Steve Pierson의 1xbet 한국농 무역 협회의 두 구성원이 포함되었습니다. Huckaby와 Pierson은 정부가 강력한 1xbet 한국적 기준을 이행하고 시행 할 필요성을 강조했습니다.
“Organic farmers and businesses are unique in that they rely on the federal government to develop and maintain strong regulations for the organic sector,” said Huckaby in prepared testimony. “The future of organic will depend on the federal government keeping pace with the marketplace. Organic regulations must be meaningful and strong … The public-private partnership between the organic industry and USDA is a process that must embody continuous improvement and evolution of the organic standards to meet consumer expectations.”
Pierson noted in his prepared testimony that one of the main challenges in today’s organic dairy sector is “regulatory uncertainty in organic standards,” pointing to the Origin of Livestock regulation as a pressing problem the government needs to settle. His testimony said there is “strong consensus” among organic dairy farmers for USDA “to fix this regulatory failing.”
Also testifying were organic vegetable, flower and herb grower Benjamin Whalen of Maine, organic cotton farmer Jeremy Brown of Texas, and organic fruit and vegetable grower Shelli Brin of the Virgin Islands.
“Today’s hearing was especially notable in that all the growers on the panel – no matter how big or small an operation, no matter what crops they farmed or in what area – all agree that organic needs strong and consistent support from the government to enable continuous improvement in the sector,” said Laura Batcha, CEO and Executive Director of the Organic Trade Association. “We thank Chairwoman Stacey Plaskett for making this hearing possible, and all the committee members for their interest in organic and their support of organic agriculture.”여기에서 전체 청각 시청.
OTA (Organic Trade Association)는 북미의 1xbet 한국 농업 및 제품 회원 기반 비즈니스 협회입니다. OTA는 50 개 주에 걸쳐 9,500 개 이상의 1xbet 한국농 사업을 대표하는 미국 1xbet 한국 거래의 주요 목소리입니다.