마진 거래 및 마진 아벤카지노 대한 대출 제한
마진 아벤카지노 대한 제한
마진 아벤카지노를 과도하게 사용하는 경우 TSE는 새로운 마진 아벤카지노의 행사를 제한하기 위해 보증금 요금을 올릴 것입니다..
보증금 비율을 높이기위한 조치에 관한 지침
마진 아벤카지노 대한 제한이 적용되는 문제는 아래 페이지를 참조하십시오..
마진 아벤카지노 대한 대출 제한
증권 금융 회사는 표준화 된 마진 아벤카지노를 위해 유가 증권 회사에 자금 또는 주식을 빌려줍니다 (이것은 "마진 아벤카지노 대출"이라고합니다..
If the number of applications to borrow stocks to sell on margin in a particular issue increases due to an increase in sales through standardized margin trading or another reason, and these exceed the number of applications for loans to buy the same issue on margin, the securities finance company procures the excess by borrowing stocks from securities companies and outside shareholders.
When procurement of stocks seems likely to become difficult for a certain issue due to, for example, an increase in applications to borrow stocks, securities finance companies will issue an alert to securities companies. If procurement of stocks becomes difficult for a certain issue, they will restrict or suspend applications from securities companies to borrow stocks.
These measures are taken against securities companies and do not directly restrict investors from using margin trading. However, since most securities companies procure stocks through securities finance companies, if applications to borrow shares for margin trading are suspended, it is likely that new sales through standardized margin trading will become difficult.
Investors are advised to be aware that securities companies may restrict or suspend the use of standardized margin trading (new sales, actual receipt, and resales) for issues subject to such measures.
For details, please refer to the website of Japan Securities Finance Co., Ltd. (JSF).