거래 모바일 카지노
TSE는 비정상적인 상황이 관찰되거나 예상되는 경우 시장 관리의 일환으로 거래 및 중개에 대한 관리 모바일 카지노을 제시합니다.
For example, if whole market heats up abnormally such as prices on lots of issues rise and trading volume swell up drastically for days at a time, investors might be uncomposed and could suffer unexpected amount of loss as a result. When such abnormal overheat is anticipated, TSE puts administrative restrictions on all issues such as reduction of daily price limit range, margin trading restrictions etc.
In addition to the situation mentioned above, when abnormal situation is observed or anticipated on a certain issue, TSE also puts restrictions on the issue such as trading halt, reduction of daily price limit range, prohibition of market orders, prohibition of making purchases on trading participants’ proprietary accounts, requirement of receiving purchase funds or selling stocks from clients before the settlement day, raising the customer margin ratio, requirements of cash collateral etc.