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1xbet 신청 무역 협회, 1xbet 신청 센터는 USDA 시장 개발 보조금을 수여했습니다

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Maggie McNeil
(202) 615-7997
2024 년 5 월 15 일
) -

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Trade Association과 Organic Center의 공동 프로젝트는 USDA 인증 1xbet 신청 제품 및 농업의 과학 지원 혜택을 소비자에게 홍보함으로써 1xbet 신청 제품의 수요를 촉진하고 증가하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 1xbet 신청 목소리 및 산업 자문위원회와 협력하여 이루어질 것입니다.

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유기 무역 협회 정보


1xbet 신청 센터 정보

The Organic Center is a nonprofit research and education organization whose mission is to convene credible, evidence-based science on the health and environmental impacts of organic food and farming and to communicate the findings to the public. The Center works to fill critical industry knowledge gaps by managing research projects and providing tools and training to help organic farmers and businesses thrive. Its research projects focus on climate change mitigation and environmental health, human health, and building tools and solutions to support organic operations. The Center operates under the administrative auspices of the Organic Trade Association.

유기적 목소리에 대한 정보

Organic Voices is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help consumers better appreciate and eliminate confusion about all the benefits of Organic. It is dedicated to educating consumers about the significance of the USDA Organic seal, ROC certification, and GOTS certification through its Only Organic campaign. It creates compelling educational content tailored to inform and engage consumers, using multiple online channels to reach new audiences through large-scale consumer-facing campaigns. Partnering with brands, retailers, farmers, and consumers, Organic Voices strives to amplify the message of the benefits of organic and establish a unified voice throughout the organic industry.
